TIPSA Self-Employed Delivery Driver


  • Important distribution company needs autonomous transporters to carry out the distribution of merchandise delivery routes.
  • Càrrega area: Ara Vinc
  • Time: The handling of the cargo cap begins at 7.45 8.00, the end time is the one when they finish the distribution, late in the afternoon.
  • Day: From dilluns to divendres
  • Distribution area: Eixample, Barcelona. Maximum 50km/day.
  • Observations: The average number of deliveries would be 80. In addition to the distribution, one of the fundamental functions is the classification of the goods in the morning, when it arrives at the trucks, each (together with all) of their goods must be unloaded and gunned.
  • Remuneration: 1.30 package + VAT


  • To be autonomous.
  • Have a vehicle of 8m3 and a maximum mass greater than 2000kg.
  • Have a transportation card.


  • Experience in parcel delivery, food or e-commerce.
At Ara Vinc we have an equal opportunities plan and we want to convey that CVs from women, people of any origin, age, and other personal characteristics are welcome.

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